
Velvet is offering you a fresh and different vision on second hand and vintage clothing. No defined decades here, just a selection of items and styles picked with attention and love. Some designer pieces as well as unbranded ones, but all with a special touch! Everything to make YOUR OWN STYLE.

Upcycled items are coming too… Indeed, the ecological aspect of recycling clothes, accessories and more has always been very important to us whether they are transformed or not. Recycling, upcycling, is the future.

Physically based in Liège from 2015 to 2020, Velvet is coming back online for you! We will also be present on some events. Infos will be announced here and through social media. Based in Brussels from now on, some special services are possible in the capital.

We are very happy to be back, let’s spread the sweetness again! <3


© Lara Gasparotto
© Lara Gasparotto
© Lara Gasparotto
© Lara Gasparotto